We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance.
We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.
We create outstanding learning experiences that engage and excite children in their schoolwork and make teachers' lives easier by saving them precious time, enabling a better work/life balance.
We are committed to promoting creative thinking, cross curricula learning, emotional intelligence and mindfulness to children of all ages. The future is here.
These 10 worksheets all have short stories (c.100 words each) with the full stops missing. Designed for repeated practice to help children who find it hard to accurately add full stops to their writing, whatever age or key stage whilst also improving reading comprehension skills and the ability to check their work for errors.
Stories contain full colour images and are designed to be interesting to children and spark discussion regarding where a full stop goes and how the end of a sentence is identified.
Extension would be to check, peer assess and add capital letters or to continue the story with accurate sentence boundary demarcation. All images sourced from openclipart.com
Designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum, this challenging lesson comes with: starter activity, engaging and interactive lesson input and 2 fun plenary activities to choose from (a game and peer-assessment) all on the included PowerPoint.
The enjoyable yet challenging learning activities have 3 levels of differentiation and are simply explained in the full teachers' notes, which also include answers for peer-assessment. This fantastic lesson has been created with enjoyment and challenge in equal measures.
If you enjoyed this Year 5 Indicating Degrees of Possibility Using Adverbs lesson, we have a full range of over 195 engaging, creative and cross-curricular teaching resources that can be viewed by copying and pasting this link into your internet browser
Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :)
All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
This bestselling resource on Indicating Degrees of Possibility Using Modal Verbs has been purchased and downloaded over 300 times! This is a fantastic complete lesson pack with everything you need to simply print and teach.
Designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum, this engaging yet challenging complete lesson comes with: starter activity, fun and thorough lesson input and 2 fun plenary activities to choose from (a game and peer-assessment) all on the included PowerPoint. The enjoyable yet challenging learning activities have 3 levels of differentiation and are simply explained in the full teachers' notes, which also include answers for peer-assessment. This fantastic lesson teaches children what modal verbs are and how to use them in writing and has been created with enjoyment and challenge in equal measures. A brilliant way to easily teach a difficult learning objective.
If you enjoyed this Year 5 Indicating Degrees of Possibility Using Modal Verbs lesson, we have a full range of over 188 engaging, creative and cross-curricular teaching resources that can be viewed by copying and pasting this link into your internet browser
Please don't forget to keep up to date with our education and teaching resources news by joining nearly 3000 of your fellow educators in "LIKING" our Facebook page too :)
All images either owned by tftf or released through Creative Commons C.O
Engaging, fun and challenging complete SPaG lesson that teaches children how to add perfect direct speech to their writing. Pack includes:
- 3 differentiated learning objectives + extra challenge to stretch the most able.
- 3 levels of differentiated worksheets,
- Success criteria sheets.
- Extension activity.
- Homework sheet.
- Answer sheets.
Aimed at Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 and designed to meet the 2014 curriculum guidance, but could be taught to KS3 as well depending on ability. Teachers' notes and answers included along with starter activity, teaching input (including video link) and choice of 2 plenary activities all on the PowerPoint.
All images either sourced from openclipart.com or owned by tftf.
Complete SPaG lesson designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum which contains: starter activity, which generates pronouns; quick yet clear teaching input, via the PowerPoint; engaging learning activities, which are differentiated by through 2 extension activities; and 2 fun plenary games which are designed to make this somewhat dry aspect of grammar fun and engaging. Answers to the work included as well in clearly explained teachers' notes.
Are you looking for engaging KS2 English resources to inspire your class? Are you interested in resources that are a bit different, but still packed with educational rigour? If so, then this is the bundle for you!
These resources from bestselling TES author The Future Teacher Foundation, contains wealth of fun, engaging and challenging complete lessons, PowerPoint and worksheets.
Learning experiences cover a wide spectrum of the curriculum and the key skills that little writers need to succeed, combined with truly engaging and inspiring opportunities for creative and independent writing.
You will never be short of lessons, learning and ideas with this pack in your possession - perfect to have up your sleeve for when you need complete lessons at short notice or just fancy a weekend off planning!
This complete lesson teaches children all about words that end with y. A thought provoking starter is followed by a teaching input including two videos and a variety of engaging and interactive activities that make the learning fun and memorable for the children. The included worksheet helps children to distinguish between the different y sounds at the end of words. A final plenary-style game is suggested as well as an actual plenary that consolidates the learning, resulting in a flexible, engaging lesson full of variety. Suitable for an introduction or revision lesson
This complete lesson teaches children all about the ue sound. A thought provoking starter is followed by a teaching input including a video and a variety of engaging and interactive activities that make the learning fun and memorable for the children. The included worksheet begins with handwriting practice of the sound and some relevant words, followed by a reading and writing exercise and completed with an open ended activity. A final plenary-style game is suggested as well as an actual plenary that consolidates the learning, resulting in a flexible, engaging lesson full of variety. Suitable for an introduction or revision lesson.
This complete lesson teaches children all about words that contain the ai sound. A thought provoking starter is followed by a teaching input including a video and a variety of engaging and interactive activities that make the learning fun and memorable for the children. The included worksheet begins with handwriting practice of the sound and some relevant words, followed by a reading and writing exercise and completed with an open ended activity. A final plenary-style game is suggested as well as an actual plenary that consolidates the learning, resulting in a flexible, engaging lesson full of variety. Suitable for an introduction or revision lesson.
This resource contains 6 complete lessons worth £8 separately including everything needed to teach the objective – just print and teach - perfect for introductory lessons, end of term refreshers, interventions and much more.
Designed to meet the statutory requirements of the new national curriculum for English Appendix 2: Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
All lessons are easy to teach and have starter, PowerPoint teaching input, plenary, worksheets, differentiation, answers (where required) and teachers’ notes.
Learning objectives/lessons include:
- indicating degrees of possibility using modal verbs
- indicating degrees of possibility using adverbs
- re verb prefixes
- dis verb prefixes
- de verb prefixes
- mis verb prefixes
These lessons have been designed to turn what could be quite dry and dull learning objectives, into engaging learning experiences. Your class will expand their vocabularies and learn how to apply these techniques and words into their own writing.
Please view our complete range of bestselling resources by copying and pasting this link...
All images either sourced from creative commons C.O or owned by tftf.
Engaging, fun and challenging complete SPaG lesson that teaches how to add possessive apostrophes to singular nouns. For example: the girl's name.
Children learn about apostrophes and the different ways of adding apostrophes to show possession. They then work through 4 activities designed to develop their understanding using different skills. They identify, create and explain, with the more able going on to a challenging extension activity.
There is also a fun activity in there too that your class will love. Self/peer-assessment plenary is also included to really help cement the learning in their minds and potentially make marking easier for you too.
Aimed at KS1, but can be used for KS2 and SEN or EAL children. Teachers' notes and answers included plus simplified activity sheet for further differentiation.
All pictures released through creative commons C.O Resource copyright (C) The Future Teacher Foundation
Great for recaps, interventions and consolidating children's understanding with a different kind of phonics learning experience for your class.
Everything you need for 10 complete lessons on phonics included here. Each lesson contains a PowerPoint presentation, worksheet(s) plus teachers' notes. Also included is a bonus lesson on the introduction of adding full stops and question marks to writing.
- ai sound
- ay sound
- ea sound
- ee sound
- words ending in at
- words ending in y
- igh sound
- oa sound
- or sound
- ue sound and
- Demarcating sentences with question marks and full stops.
Suitable for foundation stage/reception, KS1, SEN or EAL provision.
All images sourced from openclipart.org or owned by TFTF
The whole alphabet neatly laid out over 26 A4 size handwriting practice sheets.
Hours of handwriting practice to have up your sleeve and help rapidly improve your class' handwriting. Could also be used for homework.
Each letter has its own page and the sheets focus on developing the formation of lower case basic letter shapes that are non-cursive.
Suitable for all ages and stages that need help with basic letter formation including nursery, SEN, KS2 or EAL children.
All images sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
Nine complete lessons with everything you need to teach, designed to help children write more effective sentences and develop their understanding of grammar.
All lessons match the new curriculum for English statutory requirements from Appendix 2: Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Everything needed to teach the lessons is included – just print and teach.
All lessons have starter, teaching input (2 require no PowerPoint), plenary, worksheets, differentiation, answers and teachers’ notes.
Lesson/learning objectives include:
-Introducing inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
-Using a wider range of conjunctions
-Apostrophes to mark plural possession (girls’ names)
-Apostrophes to mark singular possession in nouns (girl’s name)
-Appropriate choice of noun or pronoun
-Prepositions of cause, time and place (3 lessons)
-Demarcating sentences with ? ! and .
Learning pitched at lower KS2 ability (age 7-9) but can be taught to any age or KS for extension or support.
All images sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
KS2 Spellings - Dis Verb Prefixes is a fun yet challenging complete lesson suitable for Year 5 SPaG work and designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum.
PowerPoint teaching input, differentiated worksheets and plenary all included PLUS teaches'notes
Comes with 3 levels of differentiated activities/worksheets each with extension options.
Starter and teaching input on included PowerPoint and plenary game simply explained in the concise teachers' notes.
Suitable for expanding vocabulary and openers for VCOP lessons and spelling lessons. Adaptable for individual or partner work and suitable for any upper KS2 or more able year 3 and year 4.
All images either sourced from openclipart.org or owned by tftf.
Fun yet challenging complete lesson created for Year 5 SPaG but will work with any KS2 age class and designed to meet the new 2014 curriculum requirements.
Comes with 3 levels of unique & engaging differentiated activities/worksheets plus a further extension activity if required. Starter and engaging teaching input with lots of questioning included on the PowerPoint and 2 plenary options simply explained in the concise teachers' notes. Suitable for expanding vocabulary and openers for VCOP lessons too.
Adaptable for individual or partner work and suitable for any upper KS2. This fantastic lesson contains loads of learning for all levels of ability and transforms a potentially dry and boring learning objective into a fun and engaging learning experience for all.
All images used through creative commons C.O
*SAVE 33% - Contains OVER 100 Pages!*
This bundle contains a rich variety of inspiring learning experiences specifically designed to excite and engage boys with their writing.
Engagement = Motivation = Better Quality Writing :)
A range of key skills that often hinder boys' progress with their writing are addressed in this bundle plus a wide range of stimuli material that is guaranteed to spark their interest into producing some writing that they can be proud of.
You will never be short of teaching materials with this bundle as many of the individual resources take at least a whole day to complete!!!
Many lessons and resources combine artistic elements or offer art/drawing-based routes into engaging boys with writing.
If you are doing intervention work, SEN groups or 1-1, are the English or writing co-ordinator, a leader or simply know that the boys in your class need a bit of a boost with their writing then this bundle could be just what you need to add a bit of spark.
All images either copyright owned by The Future Teacher Foundation or licensed through Creative Commons C.0
This useful KS1 Writing Resources Bundle has been created to provide you with a wide variety of resources that will help little learners to improve their writing.
Created by bestselling TES authors, The Future Teacher Foundation, the bundle includes: handwriting practice, SPaG lessons, creative writing prompt lessons and even a colouring book which can be used to inspire writing.
If you are looking to engage and inspire your little writers with some unique and fun KS1 writing resources then look no further - buy this bundle today!
KS2 SPaG Resources Bundle is designed to make this often dry area of learning engaging and inspiring for KS2 children and teachers!
Bought to you by bestselling TES authors, The Future Teacher Foundation, this huge bundle contains a wide variety of complete lessons and resources providing superb value.
KS1 SPaG Resources Bundle is designed to make this often dry area of learning engaging and inspiring for little learners!
Bought to you by bestselling TES authors, The Future Teacher Foundation, this huge bundle contains a wide variety of complete lessons and resources providing superb value.